Welcome to
Shy Owl Studios

We help organizations succeed and excel on the web, with creative, tailored solutions.

Contact Us

Web Development

Using the best in web tech, like Vue.js, WordPress and Laravel, we make high-performance and easy to maintain websites for your organization.


Web Design

We work with you to design a website that's not only easy for your clients to use, but which perfectly matches your organization's brand and helps you accomplish your goals.


Custom Solutions

Looking to automate a process? Make something easier for your staff? We can develop software and solutions which make your business more productive, and your users happier.

We make complex problems simple.

Based in Ontario, Canada, Shy Owl Studios is a partner to organizations all around the world looking to solve their digital challenges.

We're discerning and perceptive: we work with you to find the best web solutions for you and your users, and then implement them, perfectly tuned to your organization's needs.

Much like the sage owl, we're clever, and are creative problem solvers. Reach out to us - we'd love to hear from you.

A great horned owl on a perch


  • Technologies:
  • WordPress
  • WooCommerce
  • InvoiceNinja
  • Laravel
  • Cloudflare

EYOLF makes climbing gear that allows professionals to scale great heights safely.

We designed a website which focuses both on the tremendous feats capable with their gear, and also on their brand's sense of verticality and dynamicism.

Additionally, we built them a custom inventory portal, using Laravel, and a customized invoicing platform built on InvoiceNinja, both of which streamline their business processes and provide an excellent experience to their employees and customers.

Belwood Lake Sailing Club

  • Technologies:
  • WordPress
  • Laravel
  • Cloudflare

Belwood Lake Sailing Club (BLSC) is a member-run sailing organization based in Belwood, Ontario.

Looking to overhaul their online presence, we designed a brand new member portal for BLSC, with functions for members to renew memberships, view and register for upcoming events, and see the latest news from the club.

We used Laravel to build a secure, scalable foundation for the portal, which allows club administrators complete control over their members' experiences and communications, and the information they need.

Jarvis Ryan Associates

  • Technologies:
  • Laravel
  • Microsoft Server
  • IIS

Jarvis Ryan Associates is an accounting firm based in Mississauga, Ontario, which provides reliable and insightful accountancy services for both individuals and organizations.

We redesigned their public-facing website to provide their most essential information front and centre. Using their brand's typography and stylings to our advantage, we made a website which makes it easy for prospective clients to find what they're looking for.

Additionally, we built a custom-written Client Cloud portal, based on Laravel. The Client Cloud allows their clients to access their tax documents, and to upload large files to the office securely. The Client Cloud directly interfaces with JRA's existing infrastructure, allowing their office to instantly access uploaded files.

Say hello

We'd love to help your organization supercharge your digital experiences. Get in touch!

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